Out of Time Out of Life
The ultimate question - who is going to do it? If I’m not there to do it When I’m Gone?
The song was written within an hour. A reflection of all the basic necessities that someone might have, and the wonderment they may face when running out of time.
Greer Griffith a brilliant Art Director who worked as the primary agent for Saturday Night Live for over eight years. We became very personal friends and neighbors. She and her partner Richard were extremely supportive during this period of our music career. She designed the video and created the images of once again John as the metaphor for living an accomplished life and one by one his material possessions quietly disappeared until finally, he disappeared.
Thank you Greer for your artistic influence and contribution. James Wright, a young excellent cinematographer, who directed also shared in the vision. Who’s going to carry on who’s gonna sing this song?
The music was recorded by Spectra Sound at our farm with Jamie McGee and Kent Bubbenmoyer engineering the process. We kept the production stripped down and simple. With Craig on string synth shadowing Greta Franklins Cello parts and the amazing guitar work of Jim Meyer.