Bridge of Peace
Here is an amazing chapter out of the book. I wrote a song that was going to be a part of a huge campaign launched by The renowned artist Scott Thoe from Norway. He had a vision and put together a complete plan with detailed engineering to take all the tanks that were commissioned to be destroyed in the world NATO/ WARSAW pact. His vision was to take the tanks and weld them all together and create a 3 mile walking bridge. Spanning over what was then the iron curtain. My song song was recorded at Sigma sound studio in Philadelphia produced by David Ivory. It was going to be the theme for this endeavor. I have a picture of my song cassette sitting on the desk of Mikhail Gorbachev while he is listening to it and considering Scott Thoe’s venture. We even did a show with Terry Gross on NPR. Of course ultimately this was turned down because we could never have such a powerful symbol against war in the world. Politicians make way too much money for that to happen.